Why Taking Out a Loan to Pay For Your Schooling Is a Smart Choice

Student loans allow many students to obtain the education and training necessary to enter their desired fields. There are many types of federal student loans, with different interest rates and repayment pla...


How to Prepare Your Investment Portfolio for a Potential Recession

With all signs pointing to an impending recession, you may be wondering how you can protect your investments during this potentially precarious time. An ongoing volatile stock market and rapidly rising infla...


It is July: What You Should Be Doing Mid-Year to Boost Your Tax Return

You may not be thinking about your taxes during the middle of the summer. But personal investing experts know that this is a great time of the year to take inventory of your financial situation and make ...


How to Avoid the Biggest Money Mistakes

There are some basic mistakes that we should all avoid when it comes to money. Performing these mistakes will result in big financial headaches. Fortunately, there are also ways to avoid them. Avoiding these money mistakes will help you...


Work For A Non-Profit? Student Loan Forgiveness Might Be An Option

Millions of people have student loan payments to make and while ideally it would be a smooth process, it oftentimes isn't. Student loans can take up a considerable amount of your income, which can hamp...


Don't Make These Common Credit Card Missteps

Many people know that using a credit card is a viable route to improving your credit score. It also gives you the means to make purchase decisions that would be otherwise out of your financial grasp. However, there are obvious ri...


You've Likely Received A Lot of Credit Card Offer, But Which Is Best?

In modern society, credit cards are pretty much ubiquitous. Almost everyone gets credit card offers in the mail on a monthly, sometimes weekly, basis. While many of these offers are loaded with bold lang...


Spending Too Much on Entertainment? Free Options to Protect Your Budget

People often offset negative experiences with entertainment because it gives them a reprieve from their worries. Yet, that relief lasts only a short time. On one hand, when various forms of entertainmen...


Tips for Saving Money Every Day: Are Loyalty Programs Worth Your Time?

Businesses across the country claim that they offer fantastic loyalty programs designed to help their customers save the most money when purchasing products and services. A traveler can buy a plane ticke...


Interest Rates Likely to Rise in 2022 - Here are the Top Ways to Prepare

According to recent reports, the U.S. Federal Reserve will likely raise the country's benchmark interest rate by a full percentage point in 2022. The U.S. Federal Reserve is the central banking system t...