Parents Breathing a Little Easier After Child-Tax Credit Funds

This week, millions of parents across the United States were finally able to breathe. This is because, under the American Rescue Plan passed in March and signed by President Biden, parents with children under th...


9 Financial Steps to Take Before Having a Baby

Having a baby is the biggest and most essential long-term financial investment a family can make. Many parents wish that raising children was not so expensive because you have to pay for so many baby supplies and other costs do...


Three Easy Steps to Retiring a Millionaire with Minimal Effort

If you want to retire a millionaire, it can be easier than you think. In fact, financial experts advise that putting away a healthy amount for retirement is imperative for lowering stress during your golden year...


Housing Bubble About to Burst? Here's What You Should Know

Even today, people are still both recovering and talking about the housing market crash of 2008. After millions of people lost their homes, banks and even homeowners themselves vowed never to return to the practices...


Things You Need for Your Finances in Case of a Medical Emergency

In the unlikely event of you experiencing a severe medical emergency that can lead to disability or death, you need to have appropriate documentation that will let your family take over your finances if you are...


8 Savvy Moves If You Are Struggling Financially

Struggling to make ends meet is no fun, but there is help available to make things better and get you on solid footing. And by the way, you are not alone; 78% of adults struggle with daily bills. The following are the eight th...


Most people have heard of the recent fad purchasing of stocks that have hurt some hedge funds and has Congress wanting to investigate. Fads are fine f...

Pension Worries There are many cities around the nation that are buckling under for a multitude of issues, including th...


Why your car's value may have shot through the roof

Buying a car is always an expensive proposition and often a losing one from an investment perspective since cars always lose value when you first purchase them. That being said, times are changing: A shortage of computer ch...


Possible Student Debt Cancellation Coming Soon?

During the presidential campaign of 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden stated that he would seriously look into canceling certain student debt if elected. Although he did not technically make a clear promise, most people assumed t...


Is Getting Personal Finance Advice from Reddit the Right Thing For You

One of the effects of the internet and smartphones is a democratization of personal finance. People are reading and getting more personal finance information than ever. However, not all of these sources a...