Reasons Why You Should Not Be Speculating in the Stock Market

Spurred by no-cost trading apps such as Robinhood, traders have increased their speculation since the start of COVID-19. Even if they have made money early on, in the long run speculation is a losing strategy. You...


5 Mistakes That Will Hurt Your Retirement Savings Effort

While you should live in the moment, you cannot live completely in it. Instead, you need to focus on the future insofar as you must save for retirement. Otherwise, you can find yourself relying on just your Social Secu...


Things That You Can Do With a Second Stimulus Check

If a second stimulus bill goes through, you may be getting an additional stimulus check. The amount and threshold for the stimulus check are still to be determined, and the two parties are still not close to an agreement on...


5 Reasons Why ETSs Are Good for Your Retirement

Americans are always looking for the best investment that can help them get the edge of retirement. Unfortunately, some people try to hit home runs in their IRA and take up much more risk than they should. Investors can take a ...


Things to Look Out for When Taking a Private Student Loan

When financing a college or other education, there is a high chance that you will need to take out loans. Education has just gotten too expensive for people to be able to afford to pay out of pocket. Of course, your f...


5 Ways to Prepare Yourself for the Coming Inflationary Period

The federal government is pumping trillions of dollars into the economy in order to replace the wide swaths of the GDP that have been destroyed by the pandemic. Of course, this is not money that Uncle Sam has in i...


5 Common Myths About Budgeting that You Can Dispel

You likely have read much about budgets, trying to get the advice of experts who can help you get control of your money. However, much of what you read may fall into the category of a personal finance myth. The truth is that...


Things Not to Do When Trying to Get Out of Debt Quickly

The personal finance experts tell you that getting out of debt is the best thing that you can do for your own financial situation. This is mostly true, but it comes with a caveat. People have been known to go to extreme...


What to Do When Losing Expanded Unemployment Benefits from the Government

Expanded federal; unemployment benefits have been a godsend for millions of workers who have e lost their job due to COVID-19. Congress gave unemployed workers an extra $600 per week to keep them afloa...


4 Things Investors Should Never Do

Like many, you are probably trying to grow your wealth with investing strategies. When done properly, investing is one of the best things that you can do for your personal finance situation. However, investing is also a double-edged sword. ...