How to Reduce Your Financial Anxiety During COVID-19

Like many Americans, you may be feeling some profound financial anxiety these days as COVID-19 threatens the overall economy as well as your own personal financial situation. However, when you are under stress, you tend to...


4 Areas Where You Should Buck Conventional Financial Wisdom

Many of us like to strictly follow conventional personal financial wisdom. After all, there was a reason why you clicked on this article and are taking the time to read it. However, this conventional wisdom can be c...


How to Pay Back Taxes if You Do Not Have the Money

The CARES Act extended the due date for 2019 income tax filings through the middle of July. However, taxes may present a difficult challenge for many people and small businesses this year, especially when people end up owing...


5 Ways to Get Quick Money

People who are struggling to deal with some of the economic fallout from COVID-19 may find themselves needing to raise cash in a hurry. Their first instinct may be to go to the easy source of credit that is available to them. However, while credit c...


5 Ways to Stop Wasting Money Now

Like many, you may find that your finances have taken a hit from the recent COVID-19 crisis. Whether it is a job loss or reduced hours, millions of Americans are struggling financially right now. The first thing that many do when they are fac...


What You Need to Know About Mortgage Forbearance During COVID-19

If you are one of the millions of Americans who have been hit by COVID-19, you may be having trouble making your mortgage payment on the first of the month. Many people have requested mortgage forbearance from ...


How Zero-Based Budgeting Can Help You During COVID-19

COVID-19 has thrown many people's finances into disarray as they struggle with the effects of job loss, furloughs and reduced income. Many are having to make do with less. What is more unfortunate is that people are havin...


Four Common and Costly Money Mistakes That Millennials Make

Unfortunately, it seems like millennials cannot catch a break these days. The same generation that was set back by the Great Recession is now taking a hit from the COVID-19 crisis. This has kept them from not only s...


Estate Planning: Choose the Right Insurance Policy as a Hedge of Protection

Life is full of uncertainty. That is why it is essential to have a good life insurance policy that will take care of your family in the case of your absence. Besides burial costs, your family can use ...


5 Safe Places to Put Your Money During the Covid-19 Crisis

If you have moved some money out of your investments, you may have some extra funds that you need to hold on to right now. You are probably wondering where you should keep this money at this time. You are likely thi...