Pro Tips on How to Build a Complete Financial Portfolio

Most people have a general idea of their desired lifestyles. But they do not have a financial portfolio to allow them to achieve their dreams. Financial planning is about setting aside enough cash for your retirement an...


6 Financial Tips for New Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship mainly involves taking financial risks. However, this does not mean that entrepreneurs cannot be financially stable and secure. One only needs to have some financial literacy to overcome the challenges. With the knowle...


Common Investment Mistakes to Avoid in 2021

Investment has the potential to give you more money in the long term. The returns from an investment get utilized in many ways, such as education, vacations or retirement plans. However, there are things you should avoid when inves...


The Retail Stock Boom

The month of January saw one of the wildest stock market stories of all time: The short squeeze of Gamestop, in which retail investors - fueled largely by Reddit - shot the Gamestop stock through the roof. The impact of that stock gain remains in effect...


Repeal & Replacement of Trump Era Tax Laws Coming Soon?

One of former President Trump's campaign promises was that he would not only repeal the affordable care act, aka Obamacare but that he would also replace it with a plan that worked for everyone. In 2017, that campaign ...


The Biden Infrastructure Plan and Your Wallet

Fresh off of one win, President Joe Biden is looking for another. His enactment of the wildly popular American Rescue Plan may have created the momentum for it to happen. At the beginning of April, the President traveled to Pitts...


Financial Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Every Year

Every year, people try to make new year resolutions about goals and plans to accomplish. It would be best if you also made money resolutions for the new year. Ask yourself questions that will improve your financial port...


Jobs and the Pandemic: What's Back, What's Suffering

At its worst, 14.8% of Americans were completely out of work during the COVID-19 pandemic. These devastating changes brought economic havoc on the country like that never seen. Thankfully, despite all of the hardship, larg...


Why is Getting Insurance an Important Financial Decision?

Financial planning allows you to plan for both long-term and short-term goals. A lot of people underestimate the role that insurance plays in planning for personal finances. Choosing a good insurance plan is fundament...


Continued Taxation Payments on Social Security Payments?

Like many people across the United States, retirees are often looking forward to the day when they can stop working and thus end having to pay taxes on their earned income. Apart from that time of people's life also i...