So Your 401(k) Has Taken a Hit: What You Should Do Right Now

Ever since the WWII era, employer-funded pensions have gradually gone into obsolescence in favor of 401(k) plans. Unlike pensions, it is the employee's responsibility to fund these pre-taxed accounts, often with a ...


Four Things to Do With Your Upcoming Stimulus Check

Now that Congress is on the brink of passing the $2.2 trillion stimulus package to shore up the economy from the effects of COVID-19, most Americans will awake to the realization that a check is on the way. If you are one ...


What to Do with Your Government Stimulus Check

For many Americans who are struggling due to the economic effects of COVID-19, some help may be on the way in the form of direct payments from the federal government. As the legislation is currently proposed, those who earn unde...


How to Save Money on Debt During an Economic Crisis

With the recent financial turmoil, many people are likely suffering as their livelihood is impacted by the national emergency. People who are in debt face the prospect of not being able to pay back what they owe. However, i...


Personal Finance Steps to Take in Preparation for Losing Your Job

It is an unfortunate reality in an economic crisis that jobs are at risk. Many people feel that there is not much that they can do to prepare themselves financially for a layoff. The jobs reports for the comin...


The Bull Market Is Over. Here's What to Do with Your Stocks.

The longest "bull market" in history (in short, this means a market in which stocks generally continue to trend upwards) is officially over. This is likely due to the cut coronavirus fears have spurred into the wor...


Here Are the Countries' Stocks That Got Hit Hardest by COVID-19

COVID-19, or "Coronavirus", has undoubtedly had a catastrophic effect on the global stock market. Many portfolios that were booming are depressingly low, and some are wondering if they'll ever see numbers close ...


Coronavirus: What It Means for Banks and Personal Finance As We Move On

With countless canceled events, empty stadiums, and less people going to brick-and-mortar businesses, banks have been hit pretty hard by COVID-19. While there's no doubt that, as a society, we will make ...


Knowing This Hospital Scam Could Save You Thousands of Dollars

Of course, nobody likes going to the hospital, but it's a necessity for most at some point in their lives. While the United States has a variety of private insurances and offers public health insurance for those ...


These Personal Finance Strategies Often Given as Advice Fail in Practice

We've all seen advertisements for "personal finance gurus" who seem to know it all and have it all. While most of the time, these people are simply trying to sell you a product to earn money themselves,...