Most people have heard of the recent fad purchasing of stocks that have hurt some hedge funds and has Congress wanting to investigate. Fads are fine f...

Pension Worries There are many cities around the nation that are buckling under for a multitude of issues, including th...


Why your car's value may have shot through the roof

Buying a car is always an expensive proposition and often a losing one from an investment perspective since cars always lose value when you first purchase them. That being said, times are changing: A shortage of computer ch...


Possible Student Debt Cancellation Coming Soon?

During the presidential campaign of 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden stated that he would seriously look into canceling certain student debt if elected. Although he did not technically make a clear promise, most people assumed t...


Is Getting Personal Finance Advice from Reddit the Right Thing For You

One of the effects of the internet and smartphones is a democratization of personal finance. People are reading and getting more personal finance information than ever. However, not all of these sources a...


Are Your Unemployment Benefits Ending? Look at These to Make Ends Meet

Earlier in 2021, President Joe Biden signed off on a comprehensive COVID-19 aid bill. This bill, among many other provisions, extended unemployment benefits for the millions of Americans who are unemploy...


Potential Stock Market Run Under Biden Administration

One of the many concerns from the Republican party and often used during the 2020 campaign was that Joe Biden would slow down the economy further, and thus the financial hardships caused by the pandemic would become even...


The Financial Impact of Juneteenth

On June 17, President Biden signed legislation that formally recognized Juneteenth as a federal holiday, creating a new day off in recognition of the trials and tribulations of America's African-American population. The new holiday will unq...


How to Defer, Reduce or Avoid Capital Gains Tax on Your House Sale

The basis of selling your house is probably to make a profit. However, in the U.S., the federal capital gains tax often reaches 37%, which means that after the sale, you may not be left with much after paying...


What's Behind The Absurd Rise of Home Prices

If you have attempted to purchase or sell a house in the past few months, you have unquestionably seen it: Home prices are through the roof. Indeed, according to a new survey, home prices have risen 20% compared to the same time l...


Top Five Money-Saving Challenges for Achieving Financial Freedom

When it comes to viral challenges, people often think of comparison photos or video clips on Facebook or Instagram. However, one of the most rewarding ways to participate in a challenge is to join one that has ...