Crypto Currencies Falling Amid Global War Panic

Bitcoin, Etherium, Doge, Raven, and dozens of other types of cryptocurrencies are all the rage today, with effectively trillions of dollars being invested and held in private accounts.

That's the key phrase there on which to focus: Private accounts.

To date, the government has no way inside of private digital wallets, and this is making them very angry.

A lot of people woke up yesterday morning to e-coin wallets that had taken a massive hit, and many are wondering if the government is somehow intentionally behind this small crash, as America is preparing to potentially start a third world war.

It's not outside the realm of possibility that the government would crush the personal savings and investments of its own people.

After all, in order to stop a supposed novel virus with a higher survivability than the common flu, the American government shut down 80% of its businesses, while the governments of the UK, Italy, Canada, Germany and more followed suit and did the same.

This left literally hundreds of millions of people without work in the western world, but all of them had their government there to rely on for stimulus and basic needs. Cynical people believe that it was intentional, just to force people to be dependent on government; and these are the people who believe that world governments are behind the mini crypto crash. All digital currencies lost value at the same time.

The Ebbs and Flow

To put these rumors to bed quickly, experts in the field have been out talking all day about how the digital crypto market, also called the e-coin market, ebbs and flows like this.

One expert wrote about Bitcoin on social media: "The downturn is due to people freaking out all at once. They refuse to put their coins up for sale for real cash, and so they're holding them. This only means that, currently, the demand is down. The supply is unchanged. As soon as things level out, the value will actually increase."

Government Already Shown a Penchant for Attacks

Many different governments of the world have long talked about ways to get into people's crypto accounts, and about how to regulate this currency.

Crypto, in a broad sense, is the purest type of currency on the planet. It's entirely unregulated by governments, or any centralized and privatized banking system (USD and the Federal Reserve, e.g.), and it operates strictly on the principles of supply and demand.

So, for instance, as the USD is worth only about 5% of its value based on 1950 levels, as soon as it came off the gold standard, the average Bitcoin is up over 38,000%, immune to that sort of manipulated inflation.

This has caused governments to panic.

After all, millions of people believe the evidence points clearly to John F. Kennedy being assassinated for wanting to get rid of centralized banking, and as coincidence would have it, the three people on the planet who were fighting to get the world away from centralized banks all just happened to be on the Titanic when it sank.

Not to get into conspiratorial territory with it, but it sure is a heck of a coincidence that the public figures throughout history who've wanted a currency more like crypto, that the people controlled, have ended up dead, and thus the only viable option for billions is a government-controlled currency.

So, as a result, government has been trying for years. Very recently in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave himself dictator powers to literally enter into and seize people's crypto exchange wallets.

To be clear, government only had access to exchange mediums.

Why was this the case? Exchange mediums are what people use when they're selling their digital currencies for cash to use in real life. So, as long as people hold their crypto in a personal wallet, the government cannot get in. But that doesn't mean they aren't trying.

Experts in crypto and other alternative currencies claim that this is still a very wise personal investment.

And while the government playing their typical wargames is causing a downturn in the trading markets, that's only due to the fact that more people are afraid to put their digital currencies into exchanges, for fear the government shuts them down during a war.

In reality, according to the experts, crypto is just going to come out a lot stronger as a result, and so it's still an excellent personal investment.

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